How Much Does It Cost to Hire Angular Developers

There comes that point in your business where you just can’t continue without a web application. You need your data processed, saved, and you need it done quickly. All that paperwork takes a lot of time — time that you could do so much more with.

So what do you do? You hire a developer. And you may need multiple of them. But as a hiring manager or owner, there’s also going to be a point where you’ll get exhausted because you can’t find a good developer. Or an excellent angular developer, in this case. 

But just so you know, there are about 2.5 million angular developers on GitHub. And still, hiring a reliable guy at a cost that doesn’t burn your business is still a challenging task. 

Don’t worry, we’re here to help and bring you up to speed. Consider this a detailed guide on hiring a reliable angular developer at lower costs. Let’s dig in!

What is Angular?

Angular is a development framework developed by Google — but make no mistake, there are two of them. There’s an Angular framework and there’s an AngularJS framework. If you’re looking for custom-development services for Angular or AngularJS, you’re at the right place. Get a quote from or schedule a call with the CTO of Genesis Engineering right now.

Angular vs. AngularJS

The primary difference between AngularJS and Angular is that the former uses regular JavaScript and the latter uses TypeScript. Secondly, the norm is to develop single-page applications, dynamic websites, and even mobile applications with AngularJS. Angular, on the other hand, is mostly used to develop web applications.

With Angular, you can create client-side web applications — HTML and TypeScript are used to get it done. The benefit? The code is compiled on the client side, instead of the server. The results? Faster and more dynamic. 

Most people prefer Angular over AngularJS since the former helps execute both mobile, web and single-page-based applications perfectly. It was released on October 14, 2014. But understand this — both Angular and AngularJS, developed by Google, are complete frameworks, both in use and supported by active communities.

It must be noted that both these frameworks have their benefits and come with their limitations. All the more reason to work with reliable developers.

Pricing Your Project

Let’s look at how much Angular developers are being paid all over the world. 

Once you’ve priced your project, it’s best to figure out what your options are so you can get the best value for your money.

So let’s say you’re based in the USA, it wouldn’t hurt to see what the devs are being paid in Asia.

How does that benefit you? Well, remote work is a thing now, and hiring a development company remotely might just benefit you.

Angular Developers Pricing Overview: Country-Wise


The average hourly rate for Angular developers in the USA is $60 – $100. This comes out to be close to $15,000 per month and about $180,000 annually. The cost, however, is subject to vary due to various factors involved that we’ll explain at the end of this article.

In Canada, the average hourly rate falls in the range of $60 to $80 per hour. 


For an Angular developer in Europe, you can expect to pay anywhere between $40 and $80 per hour. This comes out to be about $80,000, given that you hire somebody at the lower end of the range.


Depending on the geographical location, you can hire an Angular developer at $30 to $60 per hour in Asia. This is about $60,000 per year at the lower end. 


The rates of hiring an Angular developer in Africa are more or less the same as in Asia. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between $25 to $55 per hour. 

The Secret to Finding an Awesome Angular Developer

Now that you’re clear about the differences between the two frameworks and pricing across different geographical regions, let’s narrow down our crosshair to one thing that you’re most concerned with — how to save bucks while working with top Angular professionals. A way that doesn’t require manipulating the developers but gets the best work. 

So there’s an obvious way to hire your reliable rockstar developer — just update a job on LinkedIn, maybe Indeed, set up the interview, and get your guy. But that isn’t really a money-saving tip, is it? It’s just how things work. You’re just going to hire somebody that better suits your economic needs.

Correct, there’s another way — it involves the same set of procedures but you get to save money. 

Setting a budget for your project first and hiring a freelancer according to that budget. Avoid paying too much to the wrong person/company. Think of it as paying just the right amount to a developer who deserves it for his reliability. 

The second thing you should do? Outsource it to an offshore company or a developer. What good does that do? 

Happy developers, happy clients, and great products! How? Let’s find out.

The Best Way to Get Bang for Your Buck: Offshore Software Development

Offshore outsourcing isn’t really ideal unless there’s a benefit in it for the employer. Perhaps, a tax-related benefit. Or some other service perk that you can’t otherwise get by hiring professionals in your home country.

This sets one thing straight — the countries with higher hiring costs will usually outsource their work to countries with lower hiring rates. So in this case, the people in the USA are normally seen outsourcing development projects to people in Asia. There will be exceptions where an entity in Asia will be richer than the entity sitting in the USA, yes. But in the bigger picture, offshore outsourcing from the USA to Europe, or the USA to Asia/Africa, will be the majority. 

Why? Because employers looking to save money won’t hire individuals from the USA at higher costs. Those startups would prefer hiring folks who they can afford. Employers in Asia won’t be able to afford people in the US, so they will prefer hiring from individuals living in Africa, perhaps. 

While there are moral policies involved in all this to eliminate low-wage problems and manipulation, and rightly so — you can’t, at the same time, deny the benefits of offshore software development. 

Summing Up: Factors That Affect the Cost of Hiring a Remote Angular Developer

The Complexity of Features Required

Suppose that you’ve planned to move forward with an Angular developer from Pakistan, the price of your project will further help narrow down your costs.

For instance, if you’re looking for a simple register/login page with some basic relational data manipulation on a web page — that’s going to be simple. It’ll require basic skills and knowledge so you can probably get away with paying $30 – $40 an hour.

As the functionality and complexity of the product increase, you’re going to end up needing more skilled developers. And that’ll consequently result in higher costs, and that’s fine.

Project Scale

Development requirements come down to one thing: the scale of your project. It will be different for each organization and the use case will have a direct impact on its developmental costs. The project scale can be categorized into three types:


Dedicated development, quality assurance, followed by consistent maintenance, and the addition of ongoing complex functionalities. Those are a few things that define a project this huge. The only solution to such a project is to use a team of highly-skilled developers.

You can either hire an in-house team, outsource your project to another company, or hire an offshore development company at lower costs. Each comes with its benefits, varying costs, and managerial problems.

Mid-Size Project

A mid-size project will have third-party integrations, APIs, and perhaps social media integrations to make the project more attractive and beneficial. You’ll require an experienced developer to tackle such projects. The price will fall between high-end developers and freshies. 

Small-Scale Project

A small-scale project is a very basic CMS that can usually be developed by anyone who knows the basics. It could be as simple as a customized calculator or a report generator that helps you store useful information and retrieve it when it’s required. It doesn’t cost much.

Engagement Model

There are multiple flexible hiring methods that you can opt for — according to what best suits your business needs and budget. The most common way is to hire on an hourly basis but if you feel that doesn’t work for you, you can go for a fixed-price based on a project.

If that doesn’t cut it, you can do a monthly salary model or a task-based freelance system. If you’re in a startup phase, it is probably a good idea to find freelancers to do the deed. Once you start making a decent amount, go for a fixed-price contract.

If you’re outsourcing development work and you have to meet deadlines, the hourly payment method might not work out well for you. In such a case, it’s best to go with a task-based system where you can assign a task with a suitable deadline.  

Skills Required

The skill set of a developer will always be the backbone of your overall product. If your developer doesn’t fit in culturally, lacks the sense to optimize the code, doesn’t use data structures and algorithms, and is mindful of the overall architecture of the app — your product will suffer at some point.

Even being culturally unaware has problems down the line — the developer might fail to respond in an effective and timely manner. Even that could be problematic. For a hassle-free association between you and the developer, ensure these set of skills in your ideal rockstar developer:

  • Build tools
  • Templates
  • Architecture
  • Typescript skill
  • Communication skills

Work Experience

In addition to skill set, project scale, and functional complexity, the cost of an angular developer also varies based on work experience and past work history. 

Here’s an overview of Angular developers with varying experiences:

Junior Developers

A junior developer will have work experience of 0 to 3 years. They’re usually fresh in the field and learn new things every day. They have basic knowledge of front-end development and subsequence database concepts to complete their projects. For complex applications, they’re likely to depend on their senior counterparts for guidance. 

Mid-Senior Developers

Developers with 4 to 6 years of experience will have ample knowledge of front-end development and JavaScript frameworks. These are the guys you can depend on while saving money.

Experienced Developers

Senior, experienced developers are going to be amazing resources but they’re going to cost you more than their junior counterparts. They’re usually highly experienced and bring technical and leadership skills to the table. 

Nearshore Angular Development

So if you plan on hiring an offshore developer, we’d advise that you go for a nearshore development company. These guys will have contacts with reliable developers, and a full-blown workforce in Asia/Africa, and they’ll cost much less than developers in the US, UK, Australia, etc. 

A LOT of companies throughout the world are opting for nearshore software development and the higher demand is increasing the costs of these developers continuously. 

So if you’re looking for Angular custom-development services for your business, you need to hire a company now. Who better than Genesis Engineering, who has been at it for the last decade and acing? Contact us today for a quote or book a call with our CTO!

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